Library Closed

Both locations will be closed on Sunday, January 19, and Monday, January 20, in recognition of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.


Sign Up for News

Legislative Updates

Thank you for your support. Staying connected with your legislators and elected officials is always good advocacy. Here are some things you can do now to support the library:

  1. Reach out to your legislators and thank them for their work and support of the library.
  2. Invite your elected officials to a library program or event.
  3. Share a personal story of library love with your legislator and tell them how their support helps make those moments possible.
  4. Share your library story with us so we can include it in our messaging to stakeholders. See the form below!


Invite the Library to Speak

The Library and Library Foundation are seeking opportunities to share information about the Westside Library Project with book clubs,  fraternal organizations, or other local groups. If you would like to help us spread the word about this project by hosting us as a speaker, please click the button and complete the form.

Request a Speaker


icon of a heart that looks like a chat box

Share Your Library Story

The impact of a public library can best be measured by the impact on our community. This is where you come in! 

Tell us a story about how the library has impacted your life or the lives of those around you. Share meaningful interactions or moments, or tell us about your experience with a library staff member. 

By submitting this form, you give the Cedar Rapids Public Library permission to publish your story. When we share stories, we typically display only your first name and last initial. Not all submissions are published.




Annual Report


Strategic Plan

Freedom to Read Timeline

The freedom to read is intertwined with U.S. history, enshrined in the First Amendment and founding ideals of this country.

However, book challenges have also been a recurring feature of American history. Find a timeline of the history of the freedom to read in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and beyond at the link below.

Freedom to Read Timeline