Database Type

Consumer Reports

Consumer Reports Logo

This independent, nonprofit organization provides more than 8,000 trusted reviews along with investigative reporting, championing product safety and fairness for all.

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Data Axle References Solutions

Reference Solutions Logo

Conduct market research with this online reference and research tool providing up-to-date business and consumer data.

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Foundation Directory Online

Foundation Directory Online Logo

Research grants and foundations to find funding for your organization. Only available inside the library.

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Foundation Grants to Individuals Online

Foundation Grants to Individuals Online logo

Sources for scholarships, fellowships, grants, awards and other financial support to individuals. Use of this service is only available at the Cedar Rapids Public Library.

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Morningstar Investment Research Center

Morningstar Investment Research Center

Research stocks, mutual funds, and investments, and access tools like retirement and college cost calculators and investment tutorials.

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Value Line

Value Line Logo

Research thousands of stocks and mutual funds with Value Line.

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