Library Closed

Both locations will be closed on Sunday, January 19, and Monday, January 20, in recognition of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Spark Kit: Resistance Exercises

Colorful resistance bands in a black bag and exercise books sit on a white table.

Try pilates and resistance exercises with this kit. This kit contains five loop resistance bands, one long resistance band, one sheet of loop resistance band exercises, one pack of resistance band exercise cards, and one pack of bodyweight exercise cards. 

Checkout period is three weeks. They may also be renewed. Kits can be held with pick up locations of Cedar Rapids Public Library Downtown or Cedar Rapids Public Library Ladd Library. Please return kit directly to a staff member.


1 set of 5 loop resistance bands, 1 long resistance band, 1 sheet of loop resistance band exercises, 1 pack of resistance band exercise cards, 1 pack of bodyweight exercise cards