Requests for appointments outside of times listed are not guaranteed and may not be accommodated. Appointments cannot be made on Sundays.
The intention of these appointments to is learn about a single piece of equipment in the Maker Room. You may bring your own project, or the library has sample projects for you to try. You may also bring your own materials to use on the equipment, but it must be approved by library staff - not all material is safe to use in these machines.
Appointments are limited to two people (at least one person must be over 10 years old). Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult.
Appointment times are not confirmed until you have received an email or phone call from the Librarian assigned to your appointment. This confirmation may take up to 3 business days from the time you submitted your request.
The Maker Room can be booked for up to two hours a week. A single appointment is only one hour.
This equipment is provided free of charge to introduce patrons to their use. Excessive material consumption may result in charges for the material cost.