2.01 - Reconsideration of Material

Last Updated Date

Reconsideration of Material


This policy functions as a procedure to be used by individuals or groups seeking a reconsideration of library materials held in the library collection.


Library customers may request books or other materials to be added to the collection. The Cedar Rapids Public Library Board of Trustees supports intellectual freedom and subscribes to the principles of the American Library Association Library Bill of Rights. The library staff applies the criteria described in the Library Bill of Rights and the Library’s Collection Development Policy to provide books and materials that reflect the diversity of viewpoints within the community.


The board recognizes that individuals may question library materials that do not support their tastes and views. Library staff is available to discuss concerns, and identify options and alternate materials. If concerns are not satisfied through a discussion with staff, residents of the city of Cedar Rapids may request a formal reconsideration of library materials. 


The board has adopted a process for the formal reconsideration of library materials. This process ensures that questions about specific items in the collection are handled in a prompt and consistent manner.  Requests for Reconsideration are taken by the library’s Materials Manager.  The Materials Manager assigns at least two additional staff members to review the material in question and make a recommendation.  The Library Director will make a final decision to keep or remove the material.


The material in question will remain in the collection and available to patrons during the reconsideration process. Items the Library Director deems appropriate for the collection will not be removed except by court order.


Adopted: 2/7/2013

Last Review: 4/4/2019

Revised: 12/02/2021, 02/02/2023


The Reconsideration Form can be found here.


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