2.03 - Evelyn Zerzanek Collection

Last Updated Date

The Evelyn Zerzanek Collection of Original Art from Children's Literature


The Evelyn Zerzanek Collection of Original Art from Children's Literature is an important piece of the library’s history and legacy.


Management of the existing collection will be under the direct supervision of the Library Director. All items presently included in this collection are considered the property of the Cedar Rapids Public Library.

The library may allow portions of the collection to travel for public exhibition. Insurance to and from the exhibit location will be paid by the requesting group. All items from the collection that are in transit or at the exhibit location must be insured at replacement value. The exhibit will be shipped only in containers approved by the owner.


The library may add to the existing collection by the acquisition of new illustrations through donations from artists and illustrators. Direct purchase of items for the collection will not be made from the library budget.




Adopted: 12/17/87

Revised: 10/31/91; 05/05/2022

Reviewed: 2013, 10/2015, 5/2019, 2/1/2024

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