2.04 - Confidentiality of Library Records

Last Updated Date

Confidentiality of Library Records


It is the policy of the Cedar Rapids Public Library not to release information that would reveal the identity of a library patron who checked out or used certain materials or services or requested an item of information from the library.

No individual except authorized library staff shall have access to circulation or patron records other than his or her own without the cardholder's consent.

The library interprets possession of a card or card number as consent to use it unless it has been reported lost or stolen, or there is reason to believe that consent has not been given.

Library accounts for which a bill has been sent may be revealed to parents or guardians of minor children, a collection agency, or law enforcement personnel.

Confidentiality extends to information sought or received and materials consulted, borrowed, or acquired and include Internet and electronic resource search records; reference interviews and transactions, circulation records, interlibrary loan records, and other personally identifiable uses of library materials, equipment or services.

Contact information for community displays and meeting room use is provided by the user and considered public information.

Persons attending library programs or public meetings may be videotaped or photographed as an audience member. These images may be used for library programming or promotion, including broadcast on the library’s website, the Internet, and other media.

The library cannot guarantee the confidentiality of information sought or received, or materials consulted or borrowed from third-party digital services to which we provide access.

At no time will the Library Director, who serves as custodian of the records, release protected records except if a request is submitted in writing and accompanied by an order from the court as outlined in Chapter 22.7 of the Iowa Code



Adopted: 09/26/91

Revised: 10/29/92, 12/02/99, 08/05, 11/2015, 6/2019, 7/7/2022

Reviewed: 2013, 3/7/2024

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