2.05 - Programming and Partnership Policy

Last Updated Date

Programming and Partnership Policy


The Library supports its mission of connecting people to information, experiences, and services that enhance their quality of life so our community can learn, enjoy, and thrive by developing and presenting programs that provide additional opportunities for information, learning, and entertainment.
Programming is an integral component of library service that:

  • Expands the Library’s role as a community resource
  • Provides opportunities for lifelong learning
  • Introduces people to Library resources
  • Provides entertainment
  • Expands the visibility of the library
  • Encourages participation in civic life

Ultimate responsibility for programming at the Library rests with the Library Director, who administers under the authority of the Board of Trustees. The Library Director, in turn, delegates the authority for program management to the Programming Manager, who oversees this responsibility through the Programming Team and designated staff.

The Programming Team utilizes Library staff expertise, collections, services, technology, and facilities in developing and delivering programming. The Library’s staff use the following criteria in making decisions about program topics, speakers, and accompanying resources:

  • Alignment with library mission, vision, values and strategic goals
  • Community needs and interests
  • Availability of program space
  • Treatment of content for intended audience
  • Presentation quality
  • Presenter background/qualifications in content area
  • Budget
  • Historical or educational significance
  • Connection to other community programs, exhibitions or events
  • Relation to Library collections, resources, exhibits and programs

In addition, the Library draws upon other community resources in developing programs and actively partners with other community agencies, organizations, educational and cultural institutions, or individuals to develop and present co-sponsored public programs. Professional performers and presenters that reflect specialized or unique expertise may be hired for Library programs; performers and presenters will not be excluded from consideration because of their origin, background, or views, or because of possible controversy. Library staff who present programs do so as part of their regular job and are not hired as outside contractors for programming.

When considering a partnership with an organization or individual for a program or service, the Library will first look to partners in the service area and will prioritize library resources and commitment based on the information below:


Partnership Consideration Filter

  Access Strategic Fit Level of Impact Quality of Service Brand Capacity
1 Minimal improvement in reach to target population; provided other places in the City; difficult to scale for relevant population Weak alignment with strategic priorities Minimal impact on patron experience Unknown, mixed or questionable record of service to participants and past partners Possibly negative press; partner strength is uncertain Requires us to develop skills that are not relevant or devote resources we don't have
2 Some improvement in reach to target population Some alignment with strategic priorities; has defined goals Some impact on patron experience Promising record of success; have heard some good things from past partner Uncertain or no effect on brand; stable partner Free to patrons but no identified funding, space, staff available
3 Reaches target population who would otherwise not receive the service Promising record of success; have heard some good things from past partner Noticeable improvement in patron experience Significant record of success; multiple good references from past partner Likely positive press or other attention; strong partner Free to patrons and funding, space, staff identified
4 Reaches hard to reach population (e.g. homeless, at-risk teens); significant demand and not provided elsewhere in City; scale is possible for relevant population Ideal fit; cuts across multiple priorities; goals are aligned Will transform patron experience in relevant area Outstanding track record of success documented by experts; past partners rave about experience Articles written about it or a topic at conferences that position CRPL as a leader in the library field Free to patrons and CRPL has time, funding, staff, space & desire to devote those to partnership


All Library programs are open to the public. The Library’s philosophy of open access to information and ideas extends to Library programming, and the library does not knowingly discriminate through its programming. Library sponsorship of a program does not constitute an endorsement of the content of the program or the views expressed by participants.  Program topics, speakers and resources are not excluded from programs because of possible controversy. 

Registration may be required for planning purposes or when space is limited. Programs may be held on site at any Library building or off site through community partners and outreach. Any sales of products at Library programs must be approved by the Library. Programs are not used for commercial, religious, or partisan purposes or the solicitation of business. 

External organizations or individuals partnering with the Library on programs must coordinate marketing efforts with the Library’s Community Relations Department. 

Adopted: 9/2/2021 

Revised: 3/7/2024

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