3.01 - Library Cards and Customer Privileges

Last Updated Date

Library Cards and Customer Privileges


Library cards are issued to allow patrons to connect to information, experiences, and services that enhance their quality of life so our community can learn, enjoy and thrive.   


The library offers two types of cards to visitors: a Metro Card and a Quick Card.


The full-service Metro Card is offered to Cedar Rapids residents and property owners. Library cards and services are funded primarily through property tax allocation.  Metro card customers have access to the full range of library services offered by the Metro Library Network.


In addition, library cards are issued without a direct charge to residents of unincorporated areas of Linn County by virtue of a contract with the Linn County Board of Supervisors.  Residents of incorporated cities that contract with the library for services and Open Access participants as defined through the State Library of Iowa with a photo I.D. and proof of address also receive Metro Cards.


 Any visitor to a physical library location can be issued a Quick Card, allowing access to library computers and limited access to library collections. These cards are available to people without a current photo I.D. or proof of address as well as to those without a physical address.


Other limited-use cards may be issued on a temporary basis as needed at the discretion of the Library Director or designee.




Adopted: 01/25/90

Revised: 10/31/91, 05/02/96, 12/02/99, 06/05/03, 10/02/04, 06/05/08, 9/01/11, 8/01/13, 6/6/19, 5/2/2024

Reviewed: 11/2015, 4/7/2022

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