3.02 - Unattended Children

Last Updated Date

Unattended Children


The safety of children left alone in a library building is a concern of the library staff. The responsibility for the safety and behavior of children in the library rests with the parents and caregivers. It is the policy of the Board of Trustees to require that parents and caregivers take responsibility for and attend children under the age of ten.


The library has the ability to suspend this policy for specific programs and outreach opportunities where library staff accepts a greater responsibility to monitor the safety and well-being of children.  This action requires the approval of the Library Director for these limited opportunities. 



Adopted: 01/25/90

Revised: 10/07/99, 08/04/05, 09/01/11, 1/31/2014, 7/2/2019

Reviewed: 02/04/2016, 7/7/2022, 4/4/2024

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