Library Access for Sex Offenders Convicted of Sex Offenses Against Minors
See also related policy 3.04, Behavior Policy.
It is the purpose of this policy to ensure that the Library is in compliance with Iowa State law (692A.113).
Before granting access to the real property of the library in accordance with the law, the library director will consult with the Board President or member of the Board’s leadership team if the president is unavailable.
If not granted access, registered sex offenders convicted of sex offenses against minors may be eligible for library service, depending on their residence address. They may register for a card directly with the Branch Manager, Public Service Manager or designee via telephone or email. At the time of registration, the applicant may make arrangements for a person of their choosing to select, check out, and return materials using that card. They may also receive information via telephone reference services or by use of the library’s web site and online databases from home.
Violations of this policy will be immediately reported to law enforcement and violators will lose all library privileges.
A copy of that law is attached to this Policy for reference.
Adopted: 08/06/2009
Revised: 10/04/11, 11/2015, 09/2019, 10/6/2022
Reviewed: 2013, 2/6/2025