5.00 - Foundation and Friends of the Cedar Rapids Public Library

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Foundation and Friends of the Cedar Rapids Public Library


The Board of Trustees recognizes the Cedar Rapids Public Library Foundation and the Friends of the Cedar Rapids Public Library as vital sources of support.  The Board wishes to maintain close, cooperative, and harmonious relationships with the board of directors of each supporting entity.


Cooperative projects for the benefit of the library are encouraged, provided no such project compromises the Board of Trustees' statutory responsibility for library policy and management.


Such cooperative projects should be selected by the Library Director, in consultation with the Foundation and Friends’ boards of directors and/or authorized representatives.  Projects will be selected for their appropriateness in meeting current need, practicality, and conformance to policies of the Board of Trustees.


The Library Director or designee is to serve as the principal liaison between the Board of Trustees and the boards of directors of the Foundation and Friends.  Trustees may be invited to sit as acting members of supporting boards in accordance with those entities’ bylaws.  Meetings should be held at least annually to plan and define projects which would be most beneficial to the library's purposes.


The board's policy regarding the Foundation and Friends organizations is not intended to limit or prohibit working relationships with other non-profit organizations that provide assistance to the library, or with other individuals who seek to offer contributions and/or volunteer assistance to the library.


The trustees and library employees alike are encouraged to lend active support to the work of the Foundation and Friends through support and participation in activities.



Adopted: 02/28/86

Revised: 10/29/92, 12/05, 11/07/19
Review: 2013, 02/04/16, 1/5/2023, 11/7/2024

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