Even More Summer Story Times

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Alison Gowans
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The library is adding more story times to our schedule, just in time for summer.

Beginning June 1, there will be back-to-back story times at the Downtown Library. Patrons will be able to choose between two different times for Baby and Toddler Story Times on Wednesdays and Early Learning Story Times on Thursdays. 

The library's Mobile Technology Lab will also take story time to different city parks each week day.

Here's the new schedule:

Early Learning Story Time 

Join us for a fun-filled story time for children ages 2-5, featuring stories, songs, and interactive activities. 

  • Thursdays, June 1-Aug. 10, 9:30-10 am & 11-11:30 am, Downtown Library, Children’s Program Room 
  • Mondays, June 5-Aug. 7, 10-10:30 am, Ladd Library, Community Room 


Baby and Toddler Story Time 

Join us for this 15-minute story and song program for newborns to three-year-olds, followed by a 45-minute playtime.   

  • Wednesdays, June 7-Aug. 9, 9:30-10:30 am & 11 am-noon, Downtown Library, Children’s Program Room


Mobile Technology Lab

The library's Mobile Technology Lab is on the move! The library is partnering with Cedar Rapids Parks and Recreation’s Rollin' Recmobile to bring activities for all ages to the community this summer. Find us at parks around the city from Monday, June 5 to Friday, Aug. 4 for books, games, fun, and a few surprises, too. 

  • Mondays, 9-11 am, story time at 9:30 am, Redmond Park, 1545 Third Ave. SE,
  • Mondays, 11:30 am-1:30 pm, story time at noon, Jacolyn Park, 198 Jacolyn Dr. NW 
  • Tuesdays, 11:30 am-1:30 pm, story time at noon, Hayes Park, 1924 D St. SW (No visit July 4.) 
  • Alternating Wednesdays, June 7 & 21, July 5 & 19, & Aug. 2, 4:30-6:30 pm, story time at 5 pm, Cleveland Park, 1600 Eighth Ave. SW 
  • Alternating Wednesdays, June 14 & 28 & July 12 & 26, 4:30-6:30 pm, story time at 5 pm, Jacolyn Park, 198 Jacolyn Dr. NW 
  • Thursdays: 11:30 am-1:30 pm, story time at noon, Hughes Park, 2100 Wilson Ave. SW 
  • Fridays: 9-11 am, story time at 9:30 am, Bever Park, 2700 Bever Ave. SE 

June Tech to Go programs are generously sponsored by CRBT, and July programs are sponsored by ITC Midwest. 


Severe weather procedure for park visits

The Cedar Rapids Public Library values and prioritizes the safety of our patrons and staff. During extreme weather, outdoor outreach programs will be cancelled in accordance with Iowa Department of Public Health guidelines, including: 

  • Tornado or Severe Thunderstorm Warnings 
  • Heat Index above 100 degrees Fahrenheit 
  • Wind Chill below 10 degrees Fahrenheit 

Outdoor outreach may also be cancelled at the discretion of the Library Director or library management. 

All decisions will be made no later than 30 minutes before the start of an outdoor program. Cancellations will be communicated on the library’s social media channels and the online events calendar